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Is it really possible to love yourself?

Updated: Jun 28, 2023

The short answer is YES. The long drawn out, complicated answer that we all have come to expect however; admittedly, has an explanation behind the answer that can be a bit complex, but it ultimately leads to the same conclusion.

It's a simple truth that you cannot give to others what you do not possess yourself. Trying to offer water from an empty cup is impossible. The key to loving others and being loved lies within ourselves, and it starts with accepting and loving ourselves, imperfections and all. It may sound like a cliché, but it's true that we must trust in our ability to become better than we were the day before. I know, you're probably thinking, "Well, hold on, you don't know all the mistakes I've made, or how much I've messed up my life." While I may not know your specific circumstances, I do know that we all have a journey to travel, with ups and downs, failures and victories. No matter how difficult your journey has been, there is a higher level waiting for you.

You are a valuable soul, a person of great worth, and you are worth fighting for. Your inner self is inherently good, and you have the knowledge of right and wrong within you. All you need to do is tap

into the resource that gave you this knowledge in the first place. The better version of yourself is

waiting to emerge, and the fact that you have read this far is a testament to your willingness to improve.

To embark on the journey of self-love and acceptance, we must actively work on our thoughts and behaviors. Relationships can leave us doubting ourselves and wondering if we're loveable or capable of having a successful relationship, but with consistent effort towards self-improvement, we can experience positive transformations within ourselves and notice the ripple effects it has on our surroundings.

Remember, you are way ahead of those who have not encountered the struggles you have faced. You

have gained experience, knowledge, wisdom, and strength, which you can use to propel yourself

forward. Don't ever give up on yourself to the point where you think nothing good can come out of the shell of your life. Keep reading, keep learning, and keep growing. The best is yet to come!

The joy of self-love and acceptance can overflow abundantly, becoming a source of light, positive energy, and encouragement to those around us. When we have the confidence that we are worthy of love and capable of giving love, only then can we find what we're looking for. It takes effort, to find the well spring of refreshing, pure, and enduring joy, but it's possible. To start with, try some breathing exercises or mediation. Beginning with just 10-15 minutes of meditation twice a day can set us on a remarkable path towards self-love and acceptance. So, let's embrace this process, no matter how small the steps may seem, and prepare to experience the rewards along the way. You've got this, and the best is yet to come.

If you'd like to dive deeper to explore this uncharted path towards future smiles and contentment, feel free to leave a message below.


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