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5 tips to help you manage stress and meditate at a whole new level

Updated: May 16, 2023

Take your meditation to a whole new level with Brain Tap.

Kiss your Daily Stress Goodbye in Five Easy Steps

  1. Create boundaries. Make it clear well in advance what you are and are not willing to do during the holidays, and what you're willing to do on a day by day basis. Stick with this plan to avoid overwhelm. It is okay to say no when it’s appropriate. Many people end up over committing and stretching themselves too thin, trying to fit every activity in. It’s important to focus on the most important activities and to schedule downtime during your daily routines to rejuvenate and rest.

  2. Be aware of your emotions. When you pay attention to how you’re feeling and your thoughts, you can pinpoint what is stressing you out and manage it effectively. Make time each day for meditation, yoga or a BrainTap session. Even a simple, quiet walk can do wonders to reset your brain and prepare you for the day’s activities.

  3. Make sleep a priority. This can be challenging when you’re rushing from activity to activity, cooking, cleaning, surprising the kids, and more. Remember, your brain and body heal during the sleep cycle. If your sleep is limited or poor quality, you miss out on this restorative process and become less focused, less resilient, and less able to manage stress and anxiety.

  4. Let go of that picture of perfection. People are not perfect. Life is far from perfect. As families grow and change, traditions may need to change and adapt. Accept the people in your life as they are, even if they don’t live up to your expectations. Set aside arguments for more appropriate times and be understanding if things don’t work out the way you pictured them. Seek to understand rather than be understood. Everyone has a story, take time to read it.

  5. Practice healthy habits. Temptations abound no matter where you go. Allow yourself to indulge but don’t go overboard. This tends to lead to stress and guilt. Eat a healthy snack when you can, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, limit alcohol and sugar consumption if you can and try to move your body every day. Exercise especially is a great stress buster and will help to battle the calorie attack!

In today's life, days can get crazy, keeping up with schedules can make things seem overwhelming. According to Jeffrey Borenstein, MD, President and CEO of Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, “We can learn to recognize stress triggers, such as financial pressures or personal demands, and combat them before they lead to a meltdown. With a little planning and some positive actions, you can find ways to enjoy your family and those around you.” With some simple planning and a few BrainTap breaks, you can minimize stress and anxiety, maintain your relaxation and health, and truly enjoy the your world around you. For more information on the science behind the BrainTap visit To get your brain tap headset, click here


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