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The Parental Alienation Journey

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You're not alone

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The type of support I offer can be invaluable for targeted parents who are struggling with the emotional and psychological toll of this situation. It's important for parents to have a safe and supportive space where they can process their feelings, gain insights into the dynamics of parental alienation, and develop strategies to maintain a positive relationship with their child despite the challenges they are facing.

If you struggling to cope with the challenges of parental alienation, you're in the right place.  I offer individual and group coaching sessions to provide a supportive and empowering environment where targeted parents can gain the skills and knowledge they need to navigate this difficult situation. With the guidance you receive, you can develop strategies to regain your footing, stay connected to your child, and once reunited, help them heal from the psychological damage caused by parental alienation.


I understand the pain and frustration that comes with being targeted by parental alienation, and I am dedicated to helping you overcome these challenges. I have walked this journey and am committed to providing the best possible care and guidance to help you develop the skills to navigate through this confusing, scary, and sometime overwhelming maze of emotions, legal issues, and reunification. Join the private forums today to connect with other parents, or ask for private sessions, it's important to share your experiences, and gain the support you need to move forward.

Take my hand, Let's walk this together

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